The image of Lord Bo Tien portrays the need to be atop and balance the polarities or dualities of life. We cannot have only yin or only yang but need to find the fine point of combination of yin and yang, sometimes more yin and sometimes more yang.. The left hand of the lord saint in salutation bids us to be ever mindful and steady to go for yin yang balance as depicted by the feet atop the elements. The scepter in right hand depicts the mission for yin yang balance for all

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Optimizing sunrise and sunset

No 16 of Yin Yang Equations 

For other posts in series, go to Index of posts

There are many competing factions in our daily life. We have work and education, rest and personal time, family time and time for friends. 

As for rest and personal time, we need to sleep and exercise. Sometimes we need to daydream and let go. We need time for hobbies and pastimes. 

With work, we need to meet targets and get things done so that we do not hold up the work chain or our personal life. We need to learn and upgrade. This we call education when we are young and work upgrading when we are older. 

All these make competing demands. We also need time in our daily life to make sense out of the many competing demands but without recharging and energizing ourselves, we cannot make it. 

We need to be recharged to meet daily challenges. We need sleep and we need to eat to nourish the body but not in excess as this will work against the body. 

We do have physical and biological needs as well as psychological and spiritual needs. There are so many aspects of our day to day life. We cannot have more of one and risk forgoing the interests of the others. 

They are the many factions of our daily life. We need to attend to them all and not be sunk by them but be atop and afloat. 

We need to pilot our life so as not to crash or to be worn off in our daily life. We should not turn them into warring factions in our daily life. There should be time for all factions of our daily life. 

They should complement and augment, otherwise life will be a battle field of warring factions. If we can balance the various factions, we will have peace and ease. We must not turn them into warring factions and be victim of life in the process. 

Balancing and devoting resources for the various factions or needs of daily life is neither easy nor difficult but require focus, mindfulness, effort and presence of mind. 

The sages of old refer to this as yin yang balance so that our daily needs are not at war but at peace with one another. That way, our life will be peaceful and easier. 

As Lord Bo Tien did say that when the sun rises, most men must work and when the sun sets, men must rest. There must be time for everything and these fall either under work or rest. 

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This we learn at school in our childhood days. Doesn't this ring a bell? 

We must optimize sunrise and sunset in life, more so in daily life. In doing so, however, let us not forget to devote some quiet time with God and saints each day to seek for their guidance and blessings for this. 

With their shelter, issues big or small will be no issue. Small issues will be no issue and big issues will be small issues even if they cannot be no issue. 
